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Tamron SP 350mm f5.6 Model 06B 中片幅之龍
2021年09月30日 Fujifilm GFX 50R, Tamron 350mm f5.6 Model 06B, 宮崎光學 Petz 57mm f2 VARIO ⁄ 共 2568字 暂无评论 ⁄ 被围观 3,815 views+

tamron sp adaptall-2 系列中,這支Tamron SP 350mm f5.6 Model 06B 的反射鏡,是騰龍成名之作,主因是用來和minolta 250mm f5.6 打對台,和你差不多大小,比你長100mm,有更強的離軸光學表現。但對於我個人來說,入手了很多反射鏡頭,其實都未一一放上gfx 50r 中片幅機上試試shot。很可惜,今次就先找tamron來開個頭。


此鏡真心小巧,以577g 重量就可以享受350mm的世界,值回票價。

光學也不複雜,但頭組是膠合,七片四組的結構,也造成巿面上,很多tamron 350mm f5.6都是離膠的。找一支好品相,不易。不過價錢就和被炒貴的minolta 250mm f5.6 便宜幾倍。minolta 250mm f5.6是不是如此優秀? 再強,也不過是一支不能收光圈的反射鏡,能有多強???


「The SP 350mm delivers excellent optical performance, is the same diameter as the SP 500mm F/8, but is somewhat shorter in overall length. Its surprising that other manufacturers, after introducing their 500mm F/8 mirror lenses, didn't think of the idea of producing a similarly sized lens which is 1 F/stop faster. Thus the 350mm F/5.6 by Tamron was born! Most importantly, Tamron did an excellent job of minimizing off-axis vignetting (light fall-off) and in obtaining very good off-axis optical performance. Minolta, for example, produced their very compact 250mm F/5.6 mirror lens, but the Minolta 250mm had somewhat noticeable off-axis vignetting. Note that the Minolta 250mm F/5.6 mirror lens is, nevertheless, an excellent performer. Tamron, however, realized that compactness wasn't the most desirable design attribute if off-axis vignetting was not minimized and if off-axis performance was not optimized. Tamron correctly realized that, due to the fixed the dimensions of the 35mm film format, that 350mm is approximately the minimal focal length for which a high performance mirror lens can be designed which has minimal off-axis vignetting. Thus the SP 350mm F/5.6 is the same diameter as the SP 500mm F/8 mirror lens, yet has minimal vignetting and, amazingly, also has excellent off-axis optical performance. Accurate focusing is critical since the secondary mirror obstruction diameter is around 50%. The SP 350mm focuses down to 43.3 inches (1.1 meters) for a 1:2.5 macro reproduction ratio. Always use the included lens hood for maximum contrast. This is one of very few mirror telephoto lenses which actually can be hand held without using either a monopod or a tripod.」

我個人覺得單是1:2.5 macro 攝力快感,就比minolta 250mm 好。





因為是中片幅的關係還是因為是反射鏡關係? 散景亂得來,有一種奶油味。或者是因為fujifilm 50r的關係。

Tamron SP 350mm f5.6 Model 06B x fujifilm gfx 50r的中心解像力不差,算叫清楚。但因為逆片幅上大sensor,不能用回原廠遮光罩,會造成成像圈。問題來了,不用遮光罩會點?


反射鏡上中片幅數碼相機好玩嗎? 散景過癮嗎? 另一個角度看,也算是很有特色,因為反射鏡的甜甜圈散景,完全崩潰,出現另一種味道。

和玩petzval鏡一樣,Tamron SP 350mm f5.6 Model 06B 應該只適合拍拍人像用。因為邊位成像基本上是崩壞的。就算是中焦,但成像效果都沒有中心好。

最後,又玩玩petzval 宮崎光學57mm f2,把鏡頭後的散景功能全開,扭到最強的枕變散景,試了幾張在gfx 的效果。

居然出現了柔焦聖光,不過petzval 就是要玩柔焦吧。


宮崎光學 ms optics 57mm f2 調了玻璃結構後,畫質柔了,散景也多了點味道,波波的光邊加強了效果,反而有種反射鏡味。






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