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Nikon 45mm f2.8P 單反上的Leica Elmar
2022年09月30日 Nikon ai 45mm f2.8p, Nikon Z6 ⁄ 共 3876字 暂无评论 ⁄ 被围观 2,808 views+

Nikon 官網第七十八夜 AI Nikkor 45mm F2.8P 和 第八十一夜 GN Auto NIKKOR 45mmF2.8 我都有入手。在niikon 千夜一夜沒吹奏前,很多人都以為這兩支鏡是一樣的。其實,真的是不一樣。先說回這支Nikon 45mm f2.8P 當年被很多國內網站,海外評鏡高手,評為Nikon 十大最差鏡頭。文法有點古怪,明明是「最」差,但又有十大。不過可能是英文翻譯問題。先引進一下連結 Nikon's 10 Worst Lenses,是的,又是kenrockwell,中文版紀錄在百度文庫。有趣的是,他評十大,但列出的鏡頭不足十支。

好吧,這也不是重點,看看他怎形容這支Nikon 45mm f2.8P有多差。

「The 45mm f/2.8 was introduced in 2001 as a vanity accessory along with the new Nikon FM3a manual-focus body. It was very expensive, $450, and was claimed to have magical powers which imbued it with extraordinary optical performance. We rational types read Nikon's PR which said that it was just a primitive Tessar design. The Tessar design, over 100 years old, was good in its day, but the Nikon 45mm P is far softer than the $120 made-in-China 50mm f/1.8 AF lens in my 10-Best list. Sure, this 45mm is small, but its performance is sucky (especially in the corners of FX) compared to every other current Nikon normal lens, and it costs far more. If you're just shooting DX, you aren't using the corners and it probably looks fine. The P in this lens stands for "Program," as this manual-focus lens has electronic contacts to let it talk to the metering systems of digital and autofocus film Nikons. All cameras treat this lens as if it's an AF lens, except that it can't autofocus. Needless to say, Nikon didn't fool anyone, and discontinued this lens with lots of stock on dealer's shelves in 2006. Its only purpose, other than as a tiny lens, is as a collectors item, since it was packaged as a couture item shipped with with color-coordinated caps, hood and a filter. And just like couture items, it's a pain to use. Its so tiny that there is no room for a grip ring for mounting and unmounting, so you have to run the focus or aperture to one end before you get any traction to the mount. People whined about the thin plastic focus rings of Nikon's first AF lenses, but the 45mm P is the worst. Its focus ring is a cold, hard, miniscule metal ring, Nikon's worst ever. Even the scalloped rings of Nikon's first SLR lenses were far better, as were the wider rings on Nikon's 1940's rangefinder lenses. It uses almost the same optics as Nikon's 45mm f/2.8 GN (1968-1977), which was Nikon's very least expensive lens in its day. I've compared them both on the D3, and they are both about the same. The older 45 GN additionally offered a superior 9-bladed (later 7-bladed) diaphragm, and a built-in analog computer that calculated flash exposure automatically as focused. This 45 P offers none of this. The 45 GN is a decent lens, but when you try to charge this much for the 45 P, it's on the bottom my suck list.」

大師出文時,nikon 千夜一夜也沒有介紹,所以把此鏡當成了一般Tessar。事實上,此鏡應是單反上唯一一支tessar 結構,把光圈放在第一片玻璃後的鏡頭。Nikon 向Leica Elmar的致敬作。是啊,旁軸上的Leica elmar 就是使用tessar 結構,很多老人家譏笑别人花貴幾倍的價錢買一支tessar 鏡,很傻。但和zeiss 或其他使用tessar 結構的鏡不同,leica elmar 是把光圈放在第一片玻璃後的。也因此,光學方便一定作出了微調,以致leica 的tessar 成像和zeiss 的tessar 完全不同。中心繼續是很sharp,但四角的衰變變化比zeiss tessar 更嚴重,收光圈效果也沒有zeiss的好。亦正因此,更有「特色」和「味道」


nikon gn auto 45mm f2.8 和 nikon 45mm f2.8p 的官方光學圖對比,一看就明白,光圈位不同,tessar的最後兩片一組,nikon 作出了曲率調整,右手面的光學圖就可以看到了。所以很多人說都是一樣的tessar,配方是一樣,但出來的成像結果則是完全不一樣的。

在當年nikon 推出這款鏡,一方面一定是設計師對leica elmar 成像缺陷的愛,另一方面,為單反的世界,加添了一點leica elmar的光學味道。



無論在官方的千夜一夜,還是光學圖,都很明確地說明了nikon 這兩支餅鏡充滿對德國光學的至敬,zeiss copycat,leica copycat,兩隻catcat鏡在手,catcat笑住玩。



全程都全開光圈使用f2.8 拍攝,機身nikon z6 接上nikon to m 加megadap m to z 自動對焦環全自動對焦拍攝,速度還算可以啦。我想如使用z7ii 等新一點的機種對焦會更強。









在單反的世界,很多廠家都推出一些餅鏡,當中以pentax 最為賣力,pentax m 40mm f2.8,pentax 43mm f1.9 都算很餅。konica 40mm f1.8 也是一絶。minolta 方面,MINOLTA ROKKOR-TD 45MM F2.8 和 minolta 45mm f2 也很出色。Voigtlander 的ultron 40mm f2 還使用了特殊鏡片,算是最高cp值的一支了。但總體來說,Nikon 這一支45mm f2.8P 使用elmar的設計,最為有激情。不追求鏡身大小,不追求革命創新,一心復古,正爆。




這支nikon 45mm f2.8p 是跟fm3a 的配機頭。開發目標當年是為了配上fm3a 賣一個緊湊有型小巧隨身的使用體驗。



傳說當年nikon 也在 1980 年代後期計劃並製作了一款餅鏡型的 AF 鏡頭,但後來沒有量產。之後,計劃推出一款與 Pronea S 相匹配的餅鏡,也不見天日就消失了。

最後才誕生這支手動的nikon 45mm f2.8P。



聞說ai 抄牌的時代到了。以後應該沒機會拍到這種「放你走」的人文情懷了。




這種簡單的餅鏡結構,很多都能直接上gfx 4433 sensor 使用。剛好手上有支contax 45mm f2.8,找個機會,曰德天塞來一個ab test先。






其實此鏡都入了十年以上,當年看人家評其為十大最差nikon鏡,就很想入來試,結果也沒玩幾次。直至出了nikon 官方的千夜一夜,初心又再次被喚醒了。想不到轉插在無反機身上,表現很好。






又排隊隊上GFX 感受中畫幅數碼味道吧。