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⁄ Sony A7 IV, 攝影情報, 藝術設計
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Benro 百諾這個品牌,近幾年來玩攝影的人都不陌生。自出腳架起,又出濾鏡架,又出濾鏡,又出旅行箱,又出穩定器。在一般人的認知上,都算叫大公司了。上年在kickstarter,百諾玩了一次眾籌出一件新產品,集資只用50萬,很低的價格,可見基本上是以海外巿場宣傳為主,產品應該一早就有了。
The French optics firm of Pierre Angenieux was established in 1935. The company was known for the the retrofocus lens, introduced in 1950. This was a trade name for a lens design in which the focal length of the lens was less than the distance between the rear lens element and the image plane. A...
SOM Berthiot continued to improve the design of the Pan Cinor lens throughout the 1960s. The built-in reflex viewfinder on later lenses included split image or coincident image focusing aids that increased the versatility of non-reflex cameras. At the same time, the 40 RX and 85 Compact were des...
In the 1960s, Kern-Paillard began manufacturing a line of zoom lenses for Bolex cameras. Innovations in lens design produced the first automatic exposure zoom lens for 16mm motion picture cameras; the Vario Switar 36EE. With the introduction of the Bolex H-8 REX camera, a new line of lenses was ...
Société d'Optique et de Mécanique Berthiot (SOM Berthiot) was a French manufacturer of optics and photographic lenses. They produced C and D mount motion picture lenses for professional and amateur use, as wel...
kern的c mount鏡,很多改走後口就可以放上35mm 鏡頭。散景味道很不錯。
尤其有寫macro的那一堆鏡,把c mount改走,就可以cover fullframe相機,好玩得很。
In 1950, Kern-Paillard introduced a new line of lenses with a unique depth of field scale, termed "Visifocus". The Visifocus syst...
kern 可是瑞士一大品牌啊,以前16mm鏡沒法轉數碼,也不貴,現在已炒上了天價。
The story of Kern began in 1819, when Jakob Kern opened a workshop in Aarau, Switzerland, for the production of mathematical, levelling and field measuring instruments. In 1885, the firm was named Kern & Company. Und...
Wollensak 是一個美國品牌,也是光學大廠,出品的鏡頭超便宜,而且那個較果也不差,最少在線性方便是交足功課。
不過c mount的鏡頭也因為平價,不太多見就是了。
The Wollensak Optical Company was established in 1899, in Rochester, NY. In the early 20th century, Rochester was the center of the American op...
Goerz 出過很多神級的光學設計,到今時今日來講,都是no.1的存在。
The Goerz Kino-Hypar was an air-spaced, three element motion picture lens used by both professional and amateur cinematographers. C.P. Goerz Optical Compa...
在網上收集一下hugo meyer的陳年鏡頭資料:
Dr. Paul Rudolph
偉大的hugo meyer鏡頭光學設計師。。。。
現在支支hugo meyer都炒上天價。。。。可惜還沒有機會試玩啊。
Pre-War Bolex cameras were often equipped with Hugo Meyer lenses, a German manufacturer of photographic lenses founded in the late 1800...